Il portale è iscritto nel Registro dei Gestori delle Vendite Telematiche con PDG 2 del 04/08/2017 - Modello di Org., Gestione e Controllo ai sensi del D.lgs 231/01 & Codice Etico

N. 6 ancient tapestries
Court of Bari, proc 19/2019, Lotto 1
Id that: 512384
Id that: 512384
Base price

€ 133.500,00

This time
09/09/2024 15:00
Objects of art or antiques
Methods of sale


Begins the 09/09/2024 15:00

€ 133.500,00

Base price
COURT OF BARI Bankruptcy Section Bankruptcy n. RF 19/2019 The undersigned Dott.ssa Mariacarmela Verrico and Avv. Luigi Pansini, in their capacity as trustees of bankruptcy n. RF 19/2019, having regard to the provisions of the GD Dott.ssa Paola Cesaroni for the approval of the settlement program of 12.12.2019 and of 3.6.2020 and the authorization measures for the competitive sale by specialized entity of 14.1.2020 and of 10.6.2020 , and having regard to articles 107 and 108 LF, MAKE IT KNOWN that starting from 09/11/2020 at 12:00 for the duration of 10 days, therefore until 19/11/2020 at 12.00 , the sale will be carried out through an electronic competitive tender, by means of the specialized entity Edicom Servizi Srl , accessible from the portal, of the following assets: LOT 1): n. 6 tapestries 400x300, as described in the report. - Auction base price: € 562.500,00 (five hundred sixty-two thousand five hundred / 00 euros) - Minimum bids equal to € 15,000.00 (fifteen thousand euros / 00) - Deposit 10% of the offered price Following the award, the award / transfer report will first be notified to the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and after 60 days. from the notification without any determination or manifestation of the will to exercise pre-emption, by this Body, the award / transfer will be made in favor of the legitimate successful bidder. THE INTERESTED ARE NOTIFIED - that it will be possible to participate electronically in the sale through the web portal by formulating an irrevocable purchase offer and payment of a deposit equal to 10% of the price offered ; subsequently the bidders will be able to directly formulate upward bids within the pre-established term for each sales experiment (“asynchronous” time-based tender). - Anyone interested in formulating a validly irrevocable purchase offer must register for free on the website, expressly accepting the general conditions as well as the conditions and terms prescribed in the order and / or in the notice of sale of each single rod. At the time of registration, each user is asked to choose a username and password, which will constitute the credentials (strictly personal and not transferable to third parties) with which they can access the site and participate in auctions. - The bids for the purchase of lots in auction must be made by the registered and authorized user, within the form of the lot of interest, within the terms and in the manner prescribed in the order and / or in the notice of sale of the reference auction. The bids made will, in any case, be subjected to a prior check on the correspondence of the same to the prices and to the relaunch procedures prescribed in the order and / or in the auction of reference. The portal manager therefore reserves the right to cancel the offer which is ineffective, as it does not comply with the conditions, methods and terms prescribed in the order and / or in the auction of interest. - The duly registered participant in the auction who intends to act as a representative of third parties must necessarily have a special notarial power of attorney, stating all the references of the company as well as the asset for sale for which he intends to proceed. This power of attorney must be delivered to the headquarters of Edicom Servizi Srl - Via Marchese di Villabianca n ° 21, 90143 Palermo, during office hours, or sent by registered mail to / or via Pec to the address , already at the time of the online auction opening and in any case before the end of each individual sales experiment; the delivery date will prevail for the purposes of regularity. - The delegate participating in the auction is in any case jointly and severally liable with the delegating party for any procedural non-compliance. - In any case, each interested party bears the burden of having a preliminary inspection of the appraisal of the movable property making up the lots on sale and of all the inherent documentation. - The commission agent and the curatorship will provide any useful information, including by telephone or by e-mail, to interested parties on the methods of sale and on the methods of participation, as well as on the characteristics and consistency of the assets. - Each offer will be considered valid and effective only upon payment of a deposit equal to 10% of the price offered to be paid according to the instructions provided by the system during the guided registration procedure. - In the event of multiple bids and raises made within three minutes prior to the deadline for the online tender, the tender between bidders will be extended by a further three minutes until the bids are definitively exhausted. - The offered price cannot in any case be lower, under penalty of ineffectiveness, of the minimum bid amount indicated in the information sheet of each lot of interest (only if this possibility has been expressly indicated in relation to the lot of interest) . - At the end of the tender, the provisional winner will be the one who has presented the best valid offer by the end of the tender. - We warn you that, if the curatorship, at the outcome of the online tender and in any case no later than 10 days from the obligations pursuant to art. 107, paragraph 5, LF, should it receive an irrevocable offer of improvement and security for an amount not less than 10% of the award price, the bodies of the procedure will evaluate the completion of a further electronic timed tender which will have as basic auction price the amount of the bid increasing. GENERAL CONDITIONS OF SALE - The sale takes place in the state of fact and law in which the goods are located, with all possible appurtenances, accessions, active and passive easements. - The sale is for the whole and not for the measure; any differences in size cannot give rise to any compensation, indemnity or price reduction. - The sale is not subject to the rules concerning the guarantee for defects or lack of quality pursuant to art. 2922 cc - The existence of any defects, lack of quality or discrepancies of the thing sold, urban planning, ecological and environmental charges, any adjustments to the regulations in force in the field of prevention and safety - even if hidden or not highlighted in the expert reports - will not give rise to any indemnity, compensation or price reduction, the charges and expenses of which will be borne by the successful bidder. - The assets are sold free of mortgage registrations and transcripts of foreclosures or conservative seizures which are canceled at the expense of the procedure (by decree pursuant to art.108, paragraph 2, LF), while any other burden necessary for the transfer will be borne of the successful tenderer. - Taxes and any other nature deriving from the sale will be borne by the successful bidder. - The ownership of the assets is transferred to the successful bidder, depending on the nature of the asset and where necessary, by means of a notarial deed or transfer decree (at the discretion of the procedural bodies) following the full payment of the price and amount due for the all transfer costs (including the commission agent's sales charges). - The appraisals, referred to in this ordinance, will be published and viewable on the specialized website:,, on the institutional website of the Court of Bari on the Ministerial website "Public Sales Portal" For any conditions of sale not expressly indicated in this ordinance, please refer to the regulations and general conditions indicated on the portal and as well as to the law. Regarding the payment of the price and ancillary charges: - The payment of the balance of the price must be made by the winner of the tender no later than the 60-day deadline for lots nos. 1 and 3, no later than the 30-day deadline for lots nos. 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 (or other term granted) from the notification to the provisional contractor by the trustee of the finalization of the final sale; the award may become definitive only if the suspension of the sales operations is not ordered by the Delegated Judge pursuant to art. 108, paragraph 1, LF; failing that, the sale and the award will be considered completed once 10 days have elapsed from the obligations referred to in art. 107, paragraph 5, LF. - The curatorship, by notifying the parties, may eventually arrange for the balance of the price to be paid directly to the account of the procedure instead of to the commission agent (in this case the commission agent will withhold his sales fees from the sums held as a deposit, paying the remainder to the cure her). - In the event of failure to pay the balance of the price, the fees due to the commission agent or the transfer costs, the successful bidder will be declared forfeited and the loss of the sums already paid will be pronounced as a fine. In this case, the commission agent will transfer the sums forfeited to the booklet or to the account held in the bankruptcy procedure (if not already done previously), net of his fees equal to 4.5% for lots 1 and 3 and 6, 5% for the remaining lots, plus VAT (calculated on the award value of the sale). - Any motivated requests for extension for the deadline for the payment of the balance of the price, if received directly to the commission agent, will be promptly sent to the trustee who will be able to submit them to the bodies of the procedure and, in case of acceptance, will notify the commission agent / specialized subject Edicom Servizi Srl. - For the purposes of art. 1193 cc, it is established that any sum paid will be charged first to the transfer costs (including the part of the fee due to the commission agent) and then to the residual price, under penalty of forfeiture of the successful bidder even if the balance of the price has been paid . - Tax charges (registration tax / VAT, mortgage and cadastral tax, stamps) and all other expenses related to the sale (transcription in the conservatory and / or public automobile register, cadastral transfer, stamps and other, any notary costs) are entirely at at the expense of the purchaser and will be paid directly by the final successful bidder to the curatorship on the current account in the name of the procedure, according to the procedures and within the term that will be communicated by the Curators directly to the successful bidder. - Only upon the outcome of the previous formalities and the payment of the above expenses will it be possible to proceed, where provided, to the issue of the transfer decree or, if otherwise established by the procedural bodies, to the transfer by notarial deed. - In any case, events, fortuitous or not, which exclusively pertain to the users' devices, such as but not limited to: Internet connection problems, hardware and software malfunctions of the participant, etc. will not be considered as invalidating the race. For more information and to request a view of the assets, please contact the Bankruptcy Trustee: Dr. Mariacarmela Verrico and Avv. Luigi Pansini. Bari, 30 September 2020. The curators Dr. Mariacarmela Verrico Luigi Pansini lawyer
Race information
Base price
€ 133.500,00
Minimum offer
€ 133.500,00
10% of the price offered
3 minutes
Codes that
Da avviare
Minimum relaunch
€ 5.000,00
Card Published the
18/07/2024 10:55
Race registration
19/08/2024 12:00
Race start
09/09/2024 15:00
Race term
19/09/2024 15:00
Bank transfer and presentation of offers within
18/09/2024 12:00
Following term.
Price balance term
Procedure data
Procedure no
Procedura Fallimentare
Lotto No.
Lotto 1
Paola Cesaroni
Luigi Pansini
Ogni offerta sarà ritenuta valida ed efficace solo previo versamento di una cauzione pari al 10% del prezzo offerto da versarsi direttamente sul conto corrente della procedura IBAN "IT38C0100504199000000087561" con la seguente causale "TRIBUNALE DI BARI - CAUZIONE FALL. 19/2019 LOTTO __"
Il versamento del saldo del prezzo dovrà essere effettuato dal vincitore della gara entro e non oltre il termine di 120 gg. dalla comunicazione all’aggiudicatario. Il pagamento del saldo prezzo dovrà essere effettuato direttamente sul conto corrente della procedura IBAN "IT38C0100504199000000087561" con la seguente causale "TRIBUNALE DI BARI - SALDO FALL 19/2019 LOTTO __" Invece, il...
How to view
Per maggiori info e richiesta visione dei beni, contattare la Curatela Fallimentare: Dott.ssa Mariacarmela Verrico e Avv. Luigi Pansini, e-mail:
Per maggiori info e richiesta visone dei beni, contattare la Curatela Fallimentare: Dott.ssa Mariacarmela Verrico e Avv. Luigi Pansini, e-mail: Referente vendita Vincenzo Minunno, e-mail:, cell. 340-9384152.
Base price

€ 133.500,00

This time
09/09/2024 15:00
Objects of art or antiques
Methods of sale
Sales assistance
Operators are online from Monday to Thursday from 09:00 to 13:00 and from 14:30 to 18:30, on Friday from 09:00 to 13:00 and from 14:30 to 17:00 or forward an e-email all address: